Tools catalogue

Have a look at our collection of smart solutions

Below you will find an overview of the tools we have designed for you. These tools will help you to get more insights in sustainability of your products, processes and innovations.

Do you have questions about one of the tools? Or are your interested in tailor-made tools? Don't hesitate to reach out to us

Agri-footprint 5.0 - Economic Allocation - Academic and limited commercial use

Environmental impacts of all Agri-footprint 5.0 datasets, including process descriptions. Academic use & maximum 3 Commercial uses 1 user 1 allocation method: economic 19 environmental impact categories Excel format Agri-footprint 6.3 is the latest version of the database, updated in 2022. 

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Agri-footprint Branded Data Add-ons

Branded Datasets are free add-ons to the Agri-footprint database. Environmental Impact Data from specific brands give you new insights that diverge from the average data in Agri-footprint. Import the data into LCA software or simply get the impacts in an Excel sheet. Discover high quality, branded datasets!

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GFLI - Public

The GFLI database is a database of high-quality datasets for feed ingredients generated by the Global Feed LCA Institute. The GFLI database contains environmental impact data of raw feed materials, available from different geographical areas. Included are regional, sectoral and branded data. Regional data is primarily based on our LCA database Agri-footprint. Sectoral and branded data are added at every update, continuously improving and expanding the database to stimulate improvement of the feed industry's environmental performance.

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LUC Impact - Dataset (2024)

Greenhouse gas emissions from land use change The LUC Impact Dataset provides greenhouse emissions from land use change for over 9000 crop-country combinations. The latest LUC Impact dataset now includes the Crop System Efficiency Index (CSEI) and managed grassland; and emission results are calculated using both linear and equal amortization, following leading footprint standards such as PAS2050-1 and SBTi.

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Optimise your diet!

We challenge you! Optimise your diet! aims to address the challenge of making the global food production and consumption system more sustainable and healthy. This issue is becoming increasingly urgent. We invite you to tackle this challenge and be part of the solution.   Create a diet, which is healthy and sustainable as possible!

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SWEET Life Cycle Inventory Datasets

Over the past years Blonk has been involved in SWEET, a European Commission Horizon 2020 funded project. In the project evidence on long-term benefits and potential risks involved in switching over to sweeteners and sweetness enhancers (S&SEs) in the context of public health and safety, obesity, and sustainability has been developed and reviewed. As one of the 29 consortium partners we co-chaired together with the University of Surrey the work package (WP5) on sustainability implications of the use of S&SEs. In this perspective, we conducted various Life Cycle Sustainability Assessments (LCSA), including attributional and consequential and social LCAs and data development.

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Protein Selection Chart: Natural capital & Protein crops

Which crops have the best potential as source of vegetable protein? The market for vegetable proteins is growing. However, the knowledge on new protein sources is not complete. What about the environmental impact, biodiversity, technical features and financial feasibility? Commissioned by RVO and Vivera we’ve created an Protein Selection Chart. It gives an overview of the various financial, environmental and technical aspects of new sources of vegetable proteins. 

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