SWEET Life Cycle Inventory Datasets
Over the past years Blonk has been involved in SWEET, a European Commission Horizon 2020 funded project. In the project evidence on long-term benefits and potential risks involved in switching over to sweeteners and sweetness enhancers (S&SEs) in the context of public health and safety, obesity, and sustainability has been developed and reviewed. As one of the 29 consortium partners we co-chaired together with the University of Surrey the work package (WP5) on sustainability implications of the use of S&SEs. In this perspective, we conducted various Life Cycle Sustainability Assessments (LCSA), including attributional and consequential and social LCAs and data development. The developed datasets of 4 sweeteners and sweetness enhancers are now publicly available via our Portal.
- Aspartame Neotame
- Stevia
- Sucralose
- Thaumatin